Martina Nehrling

Martina Nehrling is a Chicago-based artist who received a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and an MFA from the University of Chicago. She has taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Lake Forest College, and for the Associated Colleges of the Midwest Chicago Arts Program. She has been awarded grants by the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and the Illinois Arts Council, and has presented her work at the Art Institute of Chicago Artists Connect Lecture Series. Kingston, New York and her home town of Indianapolis, Indiana feature her work in their city public art installations. Her work is internationally exhibited and part of many public and private collections.


Seduced by the formal complexity of color, I revel in its emotive slipperiness and enjoy mining its controversial decorativeness.  The inextricability of these aspects unique to color continually spurs my engagement.  Tuned to the vivid and continuous absurd disparities of daily life, I weave visual rhythms—resonant, discordant, muscular, mellifluous—in patterns akin to currents and eddies, note taking, list making, pixilation and mapping.  I use multiple distinct brushstrokes for their staccato quality and graphic directness, and employ highly saturated chroma for its insistence, its unapologetic hysteria, its mirth and its madness.  With this tensile language I explore what it means to be here, musing or ranting in lush celebration, high-pitched lament, or raucous rebellion.

<i>Clock Night</i> <br>25'' x 12'' <br>Acrylic on canvas

Clock Night
25” x 12”
Acrylic on canvas

<i>Moonless</i><br>60'' x 48''<br>Acrylic on canvas

60” x 48”
Acrylic on canvas

<i>Whiff</i><br>60'' x 48'<br>'Acrylic on canvas

60” x 48”
Acrylic on canvas

<i>Synapse</i><br>48'' x 36''<br>Acrylic on canvas

48” x 36”
Acrylic on canvas

<i>Negotiation 1</i><br>34'' x 30''<br>Acrylic on canvas

Negotiation 1
34” x 30”
Acrylic on canvas

<i>Negotiation 2</i><br>34'' x 30''<br>Acrylic on canvas

Negotiation 2
34” x 30”
Acrylic on canvas

<i>Negotiation 3</i><br>34'' x 30''<br>Acrylic on canvas

Negotiation 3
34” x 30”
Acrylic on canvas

<i>Afloat</i> <br> 60'' x 48'' <br>Acrylic on canvas

60” x 48”
Acrylic on canvas

<i>Ripple</i> <br>26″ x 20″ <br>Acrylic on Montval paper

26″ x 20″
Acrylic on Montval paper

<i>Fume</i><br>60'' x 48''<br>Acrylic on canvas

60” x 48”
Acrylic on canvas

<i><i><i>Wish</i<br />
24'' x 16''<br />
Acrylic on canvas


24” x 16”
Acrylic on canvas


<i>Astasia Abasia</i><br>48″ x 60″<br>Acrylic on canvas


Astasia Abasia
48″ x 60″
Acrylic on canvas


<i> Dusk </i><br />
36" x 28"<br />
Acrylic on canvas


36” x 28”
Acrylic on canvas


<i>Burr</i> <br>20″ x 25.5″ <br>Acrylic on Montval paper


20″ x 25.5″
Acrylic on Montval paper


<i>Get At</i> <br>16'' x 20'' <br>Acrylic on Montval paper


Get At
16” x 20”
Acrylic on Montval paper


<i>Members of the Garden Club Travel to Janesville for Rat Poison </i> <br>16'' x 20'' <br>Acrylic on Montval paper


Members of the Garden Club Travel to Janesville for Rat Poison 
16” x 20”
Acrylic on Montval paper


<i>Roof Repairs</i> <br>12'' x 16'' <br>Acrylic on Montval paper


Roof Repairs
12” x 16”
Acrylic on Montval paper


<i>Word PIt</i> <br>16'' x 20'' <br>Acrylic on Montval paper


Word Pit
16” x 20”
Acrylic on Montval paper


<i>Point</i><br />
12'' x 16''<br />
Acrylic on Montval paper


12” x 16”
Acrylic on Montval paper


<i> Thinking Cap </i><br />
16'' x 20''<br />
Acrylic on Montval paper


Thinking Cap
16” x 20”
Acrylic on Montval paper


<i>Frost</i> <br>30'' x 21.5'' <br>Acrylic on Fabriano paper


30″ x 21.5″
Acrylic on Fabriano paper


740 N. Franklin St. Chicago, IL 60654 map
312 624.9350


740 N. Franklin St. Chicago, IL 60654 map